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IMS Sacs de stérilisation Bagette 100pcs/pqt 190mm x 330mm IMS-1237

  • IMS Sacs de stérilisation Bagette 100pcs/pqt 190mm x 330mm IMS-1237

IMS Sacs de stérilisation Bagette 100pcs/pqt 190mm x 330mm IMS-1237

Référence: 65.501.252
For 1/4 DIN Cassette (5 instruments), Exam 5-instrument, Double-Decker 8-instrument, Symmetry IQ, and Ultrasonic Insert/Handpiece cassettes. 100 pouches.

BAGETTE SELFSEALING STERILISATION POUCHES are constructed with durable materials and thick seals. Built-in external and internal quality control indicators relay accurate time and temperature verification, allowing you peace of mind. The full line of pouches include those custom fit especially for our cassettes and smaller sizes for all other sterilisation needs.

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